• Calcium Bisglycinate Chelate (America)

     From world class amino acid chelation mineral experts - Albion Laboratories.
     Received honor as a premium source of calcium as strongly recommended by the UN.
    ✔ Previously owned patent for amino acid chelation technology and TRAACS ® unique identification technology, ensures that calcium bisglycinate has high absorption rate and stability.
     Kosher, Halal certifications and recognized by European Food Safety Association (ESFA) as a safe nutritional food additive.
  • Marine Fish Bone (contain calcium, France)

     Multiple studies report it as a premium calcium nutritional supplement.
    ✔ Beneficial for the normal development and health of bones and teeth.
     Extracted from premium north Atlantic cod, pure and contaminant-free, perfect 2:1 ratio of calcium to phosphorous.


GREEN biotechnology
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