Board of Directors

►Board Members
The Board of Greenyn considers the interest of the Company and all shareholders first to carry out business evaluations and material resolutions; accountants and Independent Directors also take part in supervising to examine the business execution of the Company and the Board by adopting a cautious attitude.

According to the Articles of Association of the Company, the Board comprises seven Directors, with a term of three years, at present;Directors are elected from the list of Director candidiates by the shareholders' meetings, and they may be re-elected and re-appointed.

♦The term of the sixth Board of Directors is from May 27, 2024, to May 26, 2027.
Title Name Date Elected Major Experience (Educational Background) Concurrent Positions in the Company and Other Companies 
Chairman Wu, Chia-Feng 2024/5/27 EMBA, College of Management, National Chung Hsing University Chairman of the Company
Director Representative of Chongying Investment Co., Ltd.: Hsu, Pang-Kuei 2024/5/27 Ph.D., Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University President of the Company
Director Representative of Compson Trading Co., Ltd.: Rabbin Huang 2024/5/27 EMBA, College of Management, National Cheng Kung University Vice Chairman of the Company
Director Lin, Horng-Chang 2024/5/27 Masters in Finance, George Washington University 
EMBA, College of Management, National Taiwan University
Chairman of Omni Media International Incorporation
Chief Strategy Officer of Pharmigene, Inc.
Independent Director of Nishoku Technology Inc.
Independent Director of Coplus Inc.

Independent Director of Toplus Global Co., Ltd.
Independent Director Wang, Ching-Wen 2024/5/27 Ph.D., Institute of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University
Vice president of National Chung Hsing University
Independent Director of Securitag Assembly Group Co., Ltd.
Professor of Department of Business Administration, National Chung Hsing University
Independent Director William Liao 2024/5/27 MBA, University at Albany, State University of New York
Executive vice president of TCI Co., Ltd.
Representative of WILLER International Limited
Independent Director Hsiao, Chao-Chin 2024/5/27 MBA, National Cheng Kung University
Independent Director of Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd.
Representative of Tai Ming Accounting Firm (泰茗會計師事務所)
Representative of Tai Ming Book-keeping Firm (泰茗記帳士事務所)
►Implementation of Diversification
On 21 March 2022, the Board approved the establishment of Chapter 3 "Reinforcing Board Functions" under the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles"; that is, the establishment of the diversification policy.

There are a total of seven Directors, including three Independent Directors, and there is one female Director; Directors who are employees of the Company accounted for 42.86% and Independent Directors accounted for 42.86% of the Board.

The Company promotes and respect the Director diversification policy to reinforce corporate governance and facilitate the healthy development of Board composition and structure and is convinced that the diversification policy is benefitial for improving the overall performances of the Company. The election of Board members is based on the principle of meritocracy, taking diverse abilities across industries and fields into consideration.

The nomination and selection of Board members are subject to requirements under the Articles of Assotiation; the candidate nomination system is adopted to evaluate the educational backgrounds, experiences, and qualifications of all candidates in compliance with the "Regulations for Director and Supervisor Election" and "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles" to ensure the diversification and independence of Board members.

According to the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles" of the Company, the composition of Board members should take diversification into consideration to formulate appropriate diversification policy based on the Company's operation, operaing patterns, and development requirements, including but not limited to standards of the two major aspect as follows:
  1. Basic qualification and value: Gender, age, nationality, culture, and others; the number of female Directors is advised to reach one-third of all Directors.
  2. Professional knowledge and skills: Professional background (i.e., law, accounting, industry, finance, marketing, or technology, professional skills, and indusutrial experiences.
Name and Title Gender Concurrently An Employee of the Company   Age Range   Term of Office and Seniority of Independent Director Business Management Finance and Accounting Industrial Experience Professional Knowledge Leadership and Decision-making Ability
Chairman Wu, Chia-Feng Male 51 to 60 years old    
Representative of Chongying Investment Co., Ltd.: Director Hsu, Pang-Kuei Male 41 to 50 years old    
Representative of Compson Trading Co., Ltd.: Director Rabbin Huang Male 51 to 60 years old    
Director Lin, Horng-Chang Male   51 to 60 years old Over three years  
Independent Director Wang, Ching-Wen Female   61 to 70 years old Less than three years  
Independent Director William Liao Male   41 to 50 years old Less than three years  
Independent Director Hsiao, Chao-Chin Male   41 to 50 years old Over three years

→Substantial management target of the diversification policy and achievements: The number of Independent Directors achieved one-third of the Board.

►Inheritance Plan of Board Members and Operation
The "Articles of Association" of the Company provides that the candidate nomination system should be adopted for all elections of Directors, and the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles" states that the composition of Board members should take diversification into consideration to formulate appropriate diversification policy based on the Company's operation, operaing patterns, and development requirements, including but not limited to standards related to two major aspects of basic qualification and value as well as professional knowledge and skills. Currently, there are a total of seven Directors (including three Independent Directors) who possess diverse and complementing industrial experiences and abilities of finance, financing, and accounting.

The Company continues organizing the director inheritance plan and has established a Director candidate database based on the following standards to ensure appropriate new Director candidates can be effectively identified and selected upon any vacancy of or planned increase in the Board:
  1. Honest, responsible, innovative, possessing the ability to make decisions, complying with the core value of the Company, and possessing professional knowledge and skills benefitial for the Company's business management.
  2.  Possessing industrial experiences related to the scope of business of the Company.
  3. The addition of the member is expecting to continue providing an effective, coordinated, and diverse Board that complies with the reuqirements of the Company. It is stated that there shall be at least one female Director; also, the expertise of the overall Board should include business strategy, accounting and taxation, finance, and administrative management.

Meanwhile, the Company has also established its "Regulations for Performance Evaluation of Directors and Managers" to ensure the effective operations of the Board based on the measuring items of performance evaluation, including the understanding of corporate targets and missions, recognition of duties, participation in operations, internal relation management and communication, professional function and continued education, internal control, and substantial opinion expressions, and evaluate the Directors' performances to serve as a reference for Director elections in the future. In addition, the Group has multiple senior management talents; therefore, the Company possesses a rich talent pool for electing future Directors; the Company will also provide training for senior management to familiarize themselves with the operations of the Board.

►Performance Evaluation of the Board
The Board has approved the "Regulations for Performance Evaluation of Directors and Managers" on 10 August 2022, stating that the Board should execute at least one internal performance evaluation each year and execute at least one external performance evaluation every three years.

The evaluation indicator of the Board includes compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and requirements, degree of participation in the Company's operations, and other items; 

The measuring items for the performance evaluation of the Board include the level of participation in the Company's operaitons, improvement in the quality of decisions made by the Board, Board composition and structure, election and continued education of Directors, and internal control.

The self-evaluation measuring items for the (self or peer) evaluation of Board members include the understanding of corporate targets and missions, recognition of Directors' duties, participation in the Company's operations, internal relation management and communication, professional function and continued education, and internal control.

The self-evaluation measuring items for the performance evaluation of functional committees include the degree of participation in the Company's operations, recognition of the functional committee's duties, improvement in the quality of decisions made by the functional committee, composition and member election of the functional committee, and internal control.

►Board - Annual Resolutions
Year Resolution
2025 去背 pdf icon
2024 去背 pdf icon
2023 去背 pdf icon
2022 去背 pdf icon
2021 去背 pdf icon


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