
Title Name Major Experience (Educational Background)
Chairman Wu, Chia-Feng EMBA, College of Management, National Chung Hsing University
Vice Chairman Rabbin Huang EMBA, College of Management, National Cheng Kung University
President Hsu, Pang-Kuei Ph.D., Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University
AVP of the Finance Divesion
Corparate Governance Officer           
Juliet Tseng Bachelor, Department of Accounting, Tamkang University
VP of the IT Department, Globe Union Industrial Corp.
Chief of Finance, Danny and Hudson Group
►Inheritance Plan and Operation of Material Management
The Human Resource Department of the Company established an inheritance and talent development system. Apart from performing inventory checks and selecting potential inheritors, the senior management and the chief of human resources jointly discussed the cultivation program, including inheritance project missions, together with the individual development plans, to help improve the inheritance ability effectively and shorten the inheritance time; furthermore, the level of preparedness of the inheritor candidate is completed through function evaluation in combination with the missions and targets of departments. Apart from possessing outstanding working abilities, decision-making and judging abilities, and the ability to make innovations, the personal characteristics shall include integrity, honesty, accountability, and other crucial characteristics.

A focused strategical management meeting for the mid-to-senior management (including the President) shall be held once a month to plan for and explore the current conditions and future strategies of the Company and allow mid-to-senior management to familiarize themselves with operations of different departments. Subjects of the meeting covers performance management and talent management, organizational reformation and continual update, reformation management, strategical thinking and planning, as well as leadership for business growth. Through the brainstorming of the management and the extensive leadership experience of senior management, the meeting shares the lading practices of the Company's organizational culture and operational management and keeps abreast of the latest development of the era.



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